This is my 16th year of being a self employed designer maker jeweller, a job I love to bits and can't imagine doing anything else. That is mainly down to all the fabulous people out there I work with, clients, makers, show and fair organisers and staff, the people in the "trade" I buy from... I could go on and on! It was my one dream when I left Uni to to make a living and lifestyle from things I make and create, and I am doing just that, and I love it. Last year I made a few decisions, not big ones, just simply to do things differently. Sometimes, when you are so busy things slip by with no time or thought to grasp them, so perhaps this year, they won't, who knows!
Anyway the long and short of this is I'm not going anywhere just that I'm only taking part in one show this year. Desire at Chelsea Old Town Hall, next month from 26th-28th February with be my next and last show of the year.
I will still be regular visiting London to see clients, doing a select few exhibitions, selling online and, of course, welcoming clients to the studio.
So if you are in London, drop in to Chelsea Old Town Hall next month and say hello.
On that note, it's back to the to do list!